DDV Ranch Heifers

See the beautiful heifers from the DDV Ranch on this page.

What's New:

The area in which the DDV Ranch is located is facing an ongoing drought. The drought is the worst ever recorded in Texas history. Despite seeing rain in the area, we've seen very little at the ranch itself. Thus, we face serious issues growing grass and have two of our four ponds completely dry at this time. We hope for rain soon to refill the ponds, close the huge cracks in the land and get the grass back to its more natural green color.

See News Story about DDV Ranch

Another News article about DDV Ranch

Article about David the ranch owner

Our Heifers

Longhorn Heifers:

Presently we only have a few Longhorn heifers. All are between four and eight months of age as of Thanksgiving week 2011. We have not named these animals yet, but will brand and name them for registration purposes as buyers identify animals they would prefer.

Pictures will be added shortly, the current pictures of the heifers are too old to do justice.